Sorry, but that's like responding to "please don't drop a lit match in a dry forest" with "but it was just a little match".
We rate limit accounts when they post too many low-quality comments and/or get involved in flamewars. Unfortunately your account has a history of doing that, so we've rate limited it. If you build up a track record of using HN as intended, you'd be welcome to email and we'll be happy to take a look and hopefully remove the rate limit.
I spent a lot of time attempting to contribute quality content here. I feel like you didn't dig deep enough in what I've contributed earlier before deciding that a particular 'nationalistic' comment about the shootings in the US meant that I should be shut down.
That's good, but following the rules most of the time doesn't make it ok to break them the rest of the time. We have to moderate based on the worst things people post, not the best things.
Please don't post nationalistic flamebait (regardless of nation). We've had to ask you this more than once before.